Lapszemle XVI.

The military commission empowered to decide the fate of George W. Bush found the former president guilty of treason and murder, and decreed on Thursday that he be hanged by the neck until dead. (…) Rear Adm. Crandall asserted that witness testimony, in combination with the Rumsfeld tapes, proved conclusively that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld were the architects of 9/11.
Although he had more “proof” to offer into evidence, the panel said it had heard enough to not only find Bush guilty but also recommend he hang for crimes against America. The 3-officers found him guilty of treason and held him to account for every life lost on 9/11. Rear Adm. Crandall affirmed the verdict, and he set George W. Bush’s date of execution for Tuesday, January 4.

Edison Promoting electric car 1000 mile run with his “new” at that time battery, 1910. New York. 
More than 110 years ago we had electric cars that had 1000 miles run batteries on a single charge, which is atleast 2-3 times better than todays best electric car battery. 
Back in the day they didn’t use Lithium batteries, instead they used Sodium ion batteries which were much more powerful, safer and cleaner for production and environment. 

In Guantanamo werden die Insassen schon seit Jahrzehnten mit medizinischen Masken gefoltert und erniedrigt. Weltweit werden die Menschen mittels der Viruslüge tagtäglich gefoltert und erniedrigt. Es ist an der Zeit die Viruslüge zu beenden und alle physischen und seelischen Folterungen und Entwürdigungen zu beenden.

Oltás (oltatás) előfizetéses-rendszerben! Nagyon jó ötlet. Bégessünk egy jót!

A complaint has been filed with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on December 6th, 2021 by a team from the UK on behalf of the people. They are alleging crimes committed by UK government officials and international world leaders of various violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression perpetrated against the peoples of the UK.

Have you wondered why there are only 2 planet emojis?
Why celebs have tattoos of the planet Saturn? and its all
over the music, movies, buildings, apps.. literally all over the
The masses are clueless, but those pulling the strings behind
the scenes are keenly aware of Saturn’s worship. Saturn is a
Lunar god of underworld, or better known as Satan.

Nem lenne jobb mindjárt a havi ciklusra átállni?

When most people think of the NIH, they think of Deep State Dr. Anthony Fauci, the criminal administration’s vaccine-pusher-in-chief, a weasel who has misused his authority to blatantly deceive the American public and to enforce draconian mask and vaccine mandates on behalf of what can rightfully be called the New World Order. But Fauci operated alongside another Deep State agent, a man under whose employ he enacted a sinister agenda designed to erode the God-given rights and freedoms Americans have held dear since the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Fauci’s villainous comrade, his partner in crime, is none other than former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, whom U.S. Navy SEALs arrested Monday morning only hours after he officially retired and cleaned out his office at NIH headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland. (…) “Collins is a criminal and has been taken to a processing center from where he will be sent to a military penitentiary to await trial,” (…) “Today Collins, soon Fauci.”

Das Statement der Stiftung Warentest ist klar: Die untersuchten FFP2-Masken gehören nicht in Kinderhand. 15 Kindermasken wurden mit der Frage getestet, ob Kindern das Atmen mit den Masken leichtfalle und welche FFP2-Masken die Aerosole zuverlässig filtern würden. Zusätzlich wurde die 3M Aura 9320+ getestet. Die von der Stiftung Warentest formulierte Anforderung „Wer eine Maske trägt, sollte darunter gut Luft bekommen. Das gilt für Kinder erst recht“, konnte unter Verwendung der FFP2-Masken eindeutig nicht bestätigt werden. Keine der getesteten Masken sei für Kinder im Alter von fünf bis zwölf Jahren geeignet. Der Grund ist der zu hohe Atemwiderstand. Die Tests wurden nicht fortgesetzt (Heft 01/22).

A bohócjáték összeköt minket? Szép új világ?

A számok nyelvén, mellébeszélés (propaganda) nélkül.

🔴 I present you The Original 1964 Kennedy Silver Coin

Pánik? Előbbre hozták az Omikron-bemutatót (bohócszámot)? A terv szerint legalábbis úgy tűnik.

Sakk! Matt?

Here’s the 46 page legal filing that Dr. Mike Yeadon and others are filing to the International Criminal Court for violating the Nuremberg code.

There’s a LOT to unpack with this one but here are a few takeaways…

1) Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates, Borris Johnson, and the CEOs of the 4 main vaccine manufacturers are listed as defendants; among others.

2) The vaccines, PCR tests, gain of function, the US funding gain of function research, graphene hydroxide (PAGE 7 IS MUST READ MATERIAL), inflated covid figures, ineffectiveness of masks, alternative treatments, and many more reasons for mass concern are all listed in the complaint.

3) Event 201, Agenda 21/30, and parallels to 1930s Germany are also cited.

This is a BOMBSHELL of a filing and if you were to read it from start to end, you would have a SOLID understanding of how the last 30 years were shaped to lead us to this single “Covid” event.

Történelmi visszaemlékezés: a “Nürnbergi per”.

J. F. Kennedy elnök az ún. titkos társaságokról.

Korunk történései három rövid hírben, egyazon forrásból.

Mily csodálatos (barmok vagytok)!

Az illuminátus (marxista stb.) örökség. A viaszfigurák (bábok) maradnak?

“Infiltráció” az egész, semmi egyéb. Semmi önálló gondolat, csak “sátáni” “inverzió”.

Üdvözlet a “nagymesternek”!